Wednesday, May 9, 2012

User's guide to Enlightenment - Part III

First of all, the talks about 2012 and all the changes... yes, a lot is happening to the world, and no, it will not be the end of it. What you must know is that this year is the end of the 12 year Karmic cycle, so, it could be very hard for you mentally, emotionally and physically, because as we speak you are cleansed of all your actions these past 12 years, you may experience them with a lot of pain and suffering. But it will pass, so don't worry.
We continue with the third (and hopefully) the last part of the Enlightenment User Guide.
I talked about Bodies, Chakras, Karma, the Ego, the Soul, the levels of Consciousness, Vibration and Density, Duality among other things.
What I need to do now, is fill in some holes and make all this like a picture, as best as I can, because this subject is existence itself, the Arhe, and I can't cover every single aspect of it in 3 posts.
I recently was on the new seminar about enlightenment and cosmic energy, and I learned so much. Had to de-struct some concepts I built into my way of thinking about life and existence. When I was going on the seminar I felt at peace and in balance, after it ended and until now, I can feel my Ego trying to take back it's power.

The world and the collective consciousness is in chaos as much as the individual person is, it has to be this way in this spiritual transition. Open your eyes and you will see it happening. It doesn't take believing nor proving, it just takes acceptance, of your own self first.
Let's start. So, what do you need, and what do you need to do, to become enlightened...?
You will need meditation, and a few mantras are really helpful. Mantras are like prayers, but they are generally repeated, to build up more energy (words are thoughts, thoughts are energy) it's not a placebo effect, it's not an illusion, people take prayers for granted and expect the thing they God, to solve all their problems... well, it doesn't work that way.
So, here is what you need to know, and here are the mantras.

1. You need to forgive yourself and everyone and everything. This is very important!
I forgive myself, I forgive everyone
I forgave myself, everything is forgiven,
everything is forgiven.

2. You need to return all the thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas and concepts (so, all the energy) that doesn't belong to you. The most important thing we should never forget is pure unconditional love. That love energy is the only energy that can't be exchanged with another. Because with every interaction in life we exchange 1 energy for another.
I return all thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas and concepts
that don't belong to me.

3. You need to accept everything as it is, and accept the universal laws, firstly  the law of Karma, because built-up Karma is the main thing that blocks us from enlightenment. Our first chakra cannot open and activate the kundalini energy. The negative Karma is built-up because of jealosy, envy, hatred and need for revenge (that's practicing evil). You need to stop practicing evil, we all do it, sadly. Even when we thing we are truthful, honorable and good, we tend to practice evil, on behalf of our Ego.

4. Meditation - meditation isn't the cause for enlightenment, but it is ESSENTIAL. Real meditation is a state when the Ego has no power/it doesn't exist. The Ego exists because of ALL of our expectations. When we cool our expectations of life, we become the passive observer, we will start feeling peace and harmony.

Enlightenment is actually facing Evil, the Evil inside of us. Good and Evil are only illusions if we have a wrong view of their concept. As I said, we suffer because nothing is forever except the Truth.  Nothing is in the same form, and the Ego binds to form.
There are 6 levels/worlds of consciousness in OUR level of existence (well we can divide them in 6). We, the individual consciousness, can exist in physical form on six levels of awareness:
1. Hell - vibration of pure rage and anger
2. Spirit of hunger - a constant hunger for more, not just physical food, but for power and control
3. Animal - identifying with our physical body and instincts
4. Human - humanity, humaneness
5. Demigod - Satisfying the Ego and having everything you CAN have
6. (a) God - succeeding in physical existence and duality, and living life in constant pleasure.
After that heaven, it's the first level, hell all over again. That is because, as I said, nothing is eternal in this material existence, and that 'God' loses his power and the things he bound himself to, with death, or whatever. That's why it's easiest to get enlightened when you are 'Human'.

Hmmm, I feel there will be a 4th part of these guide to enlightenment series... there is almost no way I would cover all I've learned in 1 post written in 1 day.
The stuff above is pretty useful to practice and to know. Find the meditation technique that suits you and practice the mantras, find your inner center, from which you may search for balance and inner peace.

I'll keep this post updated
Direct any questions in the comment section down below



  1. i'm the Spirit of hunger, and i dont have anything else in my mind, i'm happy lol

  2. Yes, but that doesn't last forever :)

  3. "After that heaven, it's the first level, hell all over again. That is because, as I said, nothing is eternal in this material existence, and that 'God' loses his power and the things he bound himself to, with death, or whatever. That's why it's easiest to get enlightened when you are 'Human'."
    That does NOT explain why it is easiest to get enlightened when you are human, THAT argument leads just to the idea of getting enlightened when you are a demigod.

  4. "After that heaven, it's the first level, hell all over again. That is because, as I said, nothing is eternal in this material existence, and that 'God' loses his power and the things he bound himself to, with death, or whatever. That's why it's easiest to get enlightened when you are 'Human'."
    That does NOT explain why it is easiest to get enlightened when you are human, THAT argument leads just to the idea of getting enlightened when you are a demigod.

  5. Study Buddhism, you will understand ;)

  6. I've tried meditation in my own way and it really does have a calming effect.
